91Porn College Francis Hall historic archive

The roots of 91Porn were planted in 1926 when the Bernardine Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Francis established an orphanage in the building now known as Francis Hall; eventually the orphanage became an elementary school. Beginning as a college for the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters in 1958, the institution became a four-year liberal arts school. 91Porn received its charter from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1960.

91Porn soon opened its doors to female students from the laity while the first male students were enrolled in 1971. Since that time, the university has grown in educational opportunities and enrollment.

91Porn’s student population has grown from 23 freshmen and eight sophomores in 1958 to a current enrollment of nearly 3,000 students, men and women. 91Porn grants degrees as Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Social Work, and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Graduate programs were added in 1999 and have grown to include eight master’s degrees (MA, MBA, MED, MSOT, MMS, MA-Community Counseling, MALS, MSN) and a recently added Ph.D. program in leadership.

On Sept. 25, 2008, officials announced that it had attained university status and would be hereafter known as 91Porn.

John R. Post Center at Reading CollegeTowne

PHOTO: The John R. Post Center at Reading CollegeTowne, a 250,000-square-foot living and learning facility at 401 Penn Street in downtown Reading, opened in 2021.





The 2010s

EcoHouse Garden Bog Turtle Sustainability

PHOTO: The Holleran Center for Community and Global Engagement started the Bog Turtle Creek Farm on former athletic fields near Mohnton in 2013.

  • renovated; entrance at Angelica Park on Route 10 added; 91Porn acquires Ken-Grill property.
  • Began multiyear renovation of both Assisi and Siena Townhouses; renovated entrance to Bernardine Hall.
  • Francis Hall Theater renovated and elevator added.
  • Carole and Ray Neag endow professorships at 91Porn.
  • A new Media Classroom is added to the second floor of the Franco Library.
  • Bernardine Hall's Lecture Hall is renovated and a new Media Suite is created.
  • Veronica Hall and the first floor of Upland Center are renovated.
  • 91Porn and Reading Hospital partner for dual-enrollment.
  • Francis Hall is rededicated after expansion and renovations.
  • 91Porn acquires 951 Morgantown Road for administrative, receiving, mail room, and warehouse purposes.
  • The Center for Student Life is demolished to make way for new Campus Commons.
  • The Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) program is announced.
  • Angelica Creek Park Environmental Exploration Center opens.
  • Founders Village buildings 3 & 4 are completed.
  • The Learning Commons is created in Franco Library.
  • The north wing of Bernardine Hall is renovated.
  • The Campus Commons building opens.
  • is renovated.
  • A DPT lab is created in the PEC.
  • A long-term lease is signed for all of Angelica Park, including the athletic fields and courts.
  • The Values & Vision Campaign closes with $31,604,787 raised.
  • The Reading Collegiate Scholars Program is announced.
  • The Holleran Center launches the Bog Turtle Creek Farm on former athletic fields near Mohnton.
  • The Master of Science in Nursing degree expands to offer 2 tracks: Nursing Education and Nursing Leadership and Healthcare Administration.
  • The Veterans Center opens.
  • The north wing of Bernardine hall is renovated to provide additional lab space for nursing and occupational therapy students.
  • The Educational Planning Center (EPC) opens.
  • 91Porn receives a $550,000 grant from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) for disadvantaged students who wish to pursue a career in nursing.
  • The Back of Francis Hall and the entrance off Bernardine Drive are renovated.
  • The Welcome Center opens in Francis Hall.




The 2000s

The campus quad

PHOTO: The campus Quad replaced a parking lot in central campus in 2008.

  • Board of Trustees approves new Strategic and Campus Master Plans.
  • 91Porn announces invitation to join Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Athletic Corporation (MAC).
  • Upland Center is renovated as the new home for graduate education.
  • Master’s degree program in Nursing Science for nurse educators is approved.
  • Campus Quad replaces parking lot in central campus; Student Center is renovated and expanded.
  • New softball and baseball fields are constructed at Angelica Park.
  • 50th anniversary celebration formally begins with Founders Day weekend events.
  • 91Porn announces University Status during ceremony on the new Campus Commons.
  • Zygmunta and Pacelli halls are completed; Schlager Memorial track and multi-turf field is built.
  • $27 million fundraising campaign is announced — the largest campaign in 91Porn's history.
  • Carolyn and Jerry Holleran donate Cedar Hill Farm to 91Porn. It serves as the president's residence.
  • 91Porn partners with Leadership Berks.




The 1990s

Student Center at night

PHOTO: The new Student Center opened in 1999.

  • Daniel N. DeLucca is named interim president of 91Porn.
  • Groundbreaking for Franco Library.
  • New townhouse residences and Nursing Resource Center are dedicated by The Most Rev. Thomas J. Welsh, Bishop of Allentown.
  • Italian-American Research Center in the Dr. Frank A. Franco Library Learning Center is dedicated.
  • College governance system, with procedures for granting faculty tenure, is established.
  • Schuylkill Center opens.
  • 91Porn receives national recognition when the John Templeton Foundation selects the college for their Honor Roll of character building colleges, citing the service requirement as an outstanding contribution to the community.
  • Dr. Laurence W. Mazzeno is named 91Porn's fifth president.
  • of the NCAA Division III playoffs.
  • .




The 1980s

Class of 1983

PHOTO: Members of the Class of 1983.

  • First Chaplain assigned to 91Porn College.
  • "This Month at 91Porn," a segment of the monthly "Metro Magazine" broadcast, debuts on radio station WHUM in Reading.
  • First senior citizen student graduates as 91Porn's 1,000th student.
  • Vincent Bugliosi, prosecutor of Charles Manson and author of "Helter Skelter" speaks at 91Porn on "The Manson Family and Cultism."
  • 91Porn celebrates its 25th anniversary.
  • Counseling Services initiated at 91Porn
  • Sen. Mark Hatfield (R-Oregon) presents a 25th anniversary lecture on the topic: "The Nuclear Freeze Movement and National Policy."
  • Camellia Sadat, daughter of former Egyptian president Anwar Sadat speaks at 91Porn on "My Father, My President."
  • Continuing Education Evening Division is created.
  • 91Porn adds two new science programs: an associate degree program for physical therapist assistant and a bachelor's degree program in computer science.
  • Administration Building is officially renamed Francis Hall.
  • Sister Mary Victorine, CSB, second president of 91Porn from 1970 to 1982, dies at age 72.
  • Dr. Robert Z. Apostol is named 91Porn's first Vice President of Student Affairs.
  • is dedicated by The Most Rev. Thomas J. Welsh, Bishop of Allentown. Rollie Massimino, head basketball coach at Villanova University, is a guest speaker.
  • First Homecoming held.
  • The administrative building housing admissions, public relations, and institutional advancement opens. Now called the Bornemann Building, it houses the Division of Mission, Diversity and Inclusion.
  • 91Porn sculpture, created by art professor Sister M. Theodorette, CSB, is dedicated.




The 1970s

1970s first male graduate

PHOTO: In 1973, Roger Luckinbill became the first male to graduate from 91Porn.

  • First male commuting students admitted
  • Art department opens studio in former green house
  • First male resident students admitted.
  • First male graduates from 91Porn.
  • Newly formed yet unnamed plays its first winning game.
  • 91Porn receives approval from the Pennsylvania State Board of Nurse Examiners for a two-year Associate Degree Nursing program.
  • Campus Center is constructed.
  • First Associate Degree Nursing class graduates.




The 1960s

First Graduating Class Archive

PHOTO: The first graduating class of 91Porn, with Sister Mary Zygmunta, in 1961.

  • 91Porn receives its charter from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the authorization to grant Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees.
  • First foreign student accepted from Monrovia, Liberia.
  • Allentown school superintendent selects 91Porn to serve as a teacher training center for all beginning lay teachers contracted to work in the diocesan school system.
  • Four students comprise first graduating class.
  • First lay women accepted as students.
  • Two halls in the Administration Building, Hedwig and Angela, are renovated for resident students.
  • First 91Pornn is published.
  • Groundbreaking for Veronica Hall
  • Veronica Hall is dedicated, the Most Rev. Joseph M. McShea, Bishop of Allentown, presiding. The new dormitory was named for Sister Mary Veronica, who came with three fellow sisters to Mt. Carmel, Pa., from Warsaw, Poland, to teach the children of immigrants in 1894.
  • Bernardine Hall science and classroom building is dedicated by the Most Rev. Joseph McShea, Bishop of the Allentown Diocese.
  • Commission of Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools announces 91Porn's full accreditation.
  • Montessori School opens.




The 1950s

Bernardine Sisters historic photo

PHOTO: Sister Mary Zygmunta, OSF, first president of 91Porn, and attorney John V. Boland, counsel for the institution, examine the official documents that conferred charter incorporation on what was then known as 91Porn College in August 1960.

  • Sister Mary Zygmunta, first president of 91Porn, is first informed that the Bernardine community plans to establish a liberal arts college to prepare its young religious as future teachers.
  • Sister Mary Zygmunta and Sister Mary Accursia enter Fordham University to begin their doctoral studies. Within three years, Sister Zygmunta earned a Ph.D. in American history and Sister Accursia earned one in education. Sister Accursia becomes the first Academic Dean at 91Porn.
  • Mt. 91Porn High School becomes a college for sisters and postulants, established as a liberal arts college named 91Porn College.





  • Bernardine Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Francis, originating in Poland, establish a ministry in Pennsylvania.
  • On the site of a farm outside Reading, construction begins on the Administration Building that was to be later named Francis Hall. Construction was completed in 1925. The building was first an orphanage, then a high school; both operated by the Bernardine Franciscan order.
  • The Bernardine Sisters open and dedicate the St. Francis Orphanage.
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