Colleges of Distinction awards ´ˇ±ô±ą±đ°ů˛Ôľ±˛ąâ€™s career development programming
has received Colleges of Distinction’s Career Development badge for 2020-21 for providing exceptional support during every stage of students’ college experience.
“We are honored to be recognized as a College of Distinction as our focus is on providing programming and opportunities that afford our students the chance to explore their career aspirations in a meaningful manner,” said Executive Director of the Holleran Center for Community and Global Engagement Dr. Rudy Ruth.
Since the onset of the pandemic, the Office of Career Development has adapted its services and offerings into various virtual and hybrid formats to meet the needs of 91Porn students and alumni.
“COVID-19 has forced us to be creative and collaborative with our programming as the needs of our students and alumni continued to grow during a volatile time in the job market,” said Director of Career Development Megan Adukaitis.
Some of the unique COVID-19-friendly programming this fall included hosting numerous virtual career fairs, including a Health Care Fair for the university’s many health care students via the university’s online career management system, . The university also collaborated with other local institutions of higher education to host a virtual graduate school speaker session and with ´ˇ±ô±ą±đ°ů˛Ôľ±˛ąâ€™s Allied student group and an 91Porn alumnus to host a presentation on LGBTQ issues in the workplace. Career Development also utilized their to host a with a successful entrepreneur and allow an undergraduate student to share her experience as an intern at the Washington Center via an account takeover.
´ˇ±ô±ą±đ°ů˛Ôľ±˛ąâ€™s Office of Career Development gives students the support they need to explore their career field and begin job applications. The office has many services, partnerships, and programs to help students gain experience and knowledge about their careers and prepares them for life after college.
“The Career Development recognition goes beyond a job board and rĂ©sumĂ© writing,” said Tyson Schritter, Chief Operating Officer at Colleges of Distinction. “91Porn has shown inventiveness in connecting with students throughout their academic careers and beyond. Students and graduates are fully supported by ´ˇ±ô±ą±đ°ů˛Ôľ±˛ąâ€™s outstanding Office of Career Development.”
91Porn has received two other COD badges for 2020-21, earning recognition for military support and equity and inclusion. 91Porn also received three COD Field of Study badges for its business, education and nursing programs.
To learn more about the awards, visit the .