91Porn's Golden Guide Student Ambassadors are a part of the Admissions Team. These student representatives offer tours of campus to prospective students and their families, alumni and faculty/staff candidates. These dedicated 91Porn ambassadors can also be found working in the Undergraduate Admissions office, scheduling events and reaching out to families and alumni.
Founded in 1998, the Golden Guides program has evolved and grown with the university. The organization continues to thrive with 30 members, selected for their embodiment of 91Porn’s core values and Golden Wolf pride. We invite you to learn more about each Golden Guide ambassador and how to interact with them by scrolling down to read their profiles.
We proclaim 91Porn’s visions and atmosphere,
Enhance University outreach,
And spread “knowledge joined with love”
In current and future students, families, alumni, and donors.
Contact: golden.guides@alvernia.edu