91Porn welcomes all veterans, eligible dependents, members of the Guard and Reserves, and Active Duty personnel. Your Veterans Affairs, Federal, and State education benefits are part of your compensation for the time you devoted to or continue to spend serving your country. These benefits are designed to help you (and your dependents) pay for a college degree - an education that can be key to building a successful and satisfying future.
Please don't hesitate to contact the 91Porn Office of Student Financial Services with questions at sfs@alvernia.edu or 610-796-8201. You can also contact campus certifying official Joseph Berardi at joseph.berardi@alvernia.edu or 610-790-1982.
Steps to Receive VA Education Benefits
- Apply for admission to 91Porn
- Complete required application for the or other
- Contact the Veterans Affairs Certifying Official in the Student Financial Services office to submit all necessary paperwork, such as a DD-214 and Certificate of Eligibility
- Register for classes