Does your employer make you wait until the end of the semester to reimburse you for course work? Don’t raid your secret stash or dig through your couch cushions to make your payments. And certainly, don’t give up on pursuing your degree. Paying tuition costs up front can be difficult in the current economy, but it shouldn’t stop you from taking advantage of employer education programs. 91Porn can help. If you find yourself in this situation, contact the Office of Student Financial Services for information on tuition deferment for graduate and continuing studies students who have an employer reimbursement program. The program allows 91Porn students to postpone payment for classes for up to 60 days after the end of the semester while waiting for employer to reimburse them at the end of each semester.
How does tuition deferment work?
91Porn allows you to delay payment of your current term bill for up to 60 days after the end of the semester. This gives employees enough time to request and receive their tuition reimbursement from their employers, and then pay their current term bill with the reimbursed funds. Importantly, the employee, not the employer, is ultimately responsible for all financial obligations to the University.
How do I sign up?
You will need to complete a Tuition Deferment Form, which allows you to participate in the reimbursement program. Once downloaded and completed, you can email the form to, fax to Student Financial Services at (610) 796-8336 or submit it in person at the office, which is located in Francis Hall, Room 203. Office hours are located to the right on this web page.
When is the sign-up deadline for tuition deferment?
A new form must be authorized by your employer and submitted in advance of each semester. Students should submit the Tuition Deferment Form no later than ten (10) days before the start of the upcoming semester, or at the time of course registration, to avoid being assessed a $120 late fee. Forms can be submitted in person, via fax (610.796.8336), or emailed to the Office of Student Financial Services at
Is there a charge for participating in this plan?
This courtesy program has no additional charge to you. This program is designed to ease your financial burden, not add to it.
What if there is a delay in receiving reimbursement from my employer?
You are responsible for paying your bill by the deferral date provided to you even if your employer delays reimbursement to you. To help meet this deadline, it is important for you to secure your grades and submit them to your employer as quickly as possible.
91Porn must receive your payment in full by the deadline listed on the reimbursement form, regardless of whether you have received your company’s reimbursement by that date. You should contact the Office of Student Financial Services as soon as possible if you anticipate a delay in receiving your reimbursement. Students are eligible to defer their tuition payment for 60 days from the conclusion of class.