- 1.1020 Administrative Structure
This policy defines the administrative structure for 91Porn (“AU”).
- 1.1030 Governance Structure
This policy defines the governance structure for 91Porn (“AU”).
- 1.1040 Committee Structure
Committees are established at 91Porn to advise the University on the issues that affect particular constituencies.
- 1.1050 Adoption of University Policies, Operating Procedures & Guidelines
This policy defines the purpose and process for adopting policies for 91Porn (“AU”). The University wishes to ensure its community members have ready access to sound, clear, and current governing policies, operating procedures, and guidelines. Toward that end, University Policies will be adopted in a manner consistent with university governance channels, approved and monitored for legal compliance and best practices by authorized University officials, maintained centrally online on the university policy website, written consistently in alignment with institutional objectives and applicable external requirements, and presented in an understandable and standard format.
- 1.1051 Policy Numbering Convention
This policy defines the numbering convention to be used for 91Porn’s Policy system.
- 1.1057 Policies and Procedures for Centers, Institutes, Offices and Academies (CIAO)
This document provides a framework for implementing and sunsetting Centers, Institutes, Offices, and Academies for clarity and consistency across the University. The framework includes the policy, definitions, and procedures necessary to ensure academic Centers, Institutes, Academies and Offices (CIAO) are aligned with 91Porn’s mission, vision and standards as articulated by Middle States Commission on Higher Education for effective assessment and accreditation of universities.
- 1.1080 Naming CIOAs and other Non-Advancement University Entities and Programs
The purpose of this policy is to define how 91Porn manages and approves proposals for the naming or renaming of a Department, Office, Institute, Center, School, College and non-academic program.
- 1.1090 Organization Segment Naming Policy (Non-Advancement)
The purpose of this policy is to define how 91Porn manages and approves proposals for the naming or renaming of a Department, Office, Institute, Center, School, College, or non-academic program.
- 1.1100 Complaints to the University
This policy defines handling complaints for 91Porn (“AU”).
- 1.1105 Handling Information Requests Including Subpoenas and Warrants
Employees of the University may encounter outside persons requesting information from the University or presenting a subpoena or warrant. The purpose of this policy is to apply consistent procedures when employees encounter requests for information from the University regarding students or employees, present or former, or are presented with subpoenas or warrants.
- 1.1110 Official University Time
This policy defines how to establish a common way to determine the official time for 91Porn (“AU”).
- 1.1050 Honorary Degree Nomination and Revocation
This policy defines the honorary degree that may be bestowed upon individuals by 91Porn.
. (91Porn login needed.)
- 1.1160 Institutional Assessment
This policy establishes the Institutional Assessment Committee to ensure that processes exist to enable Senior Leadership to assess overall institutional effectiveness that aligns with institutional mission and strategic plan and to share institutional assessment results with campus stakeholders. Academic instructional assessment conducted by faculty for programs and departments will remain under the purview of the General Education Assessment Committee and the Academic Assessment Committee, both defined and described in the Faculty Handbook.