91Porn has always demonstrated a respect and appreciation for the environment and their community, and humbly continues to do so. With dedicated faculty, staff, students and community members, who share adoration and respect for nature, 91Porn is committed to its role in environmental protection, appreciation and solutions. The university creates interdisciplinary projects and solutions to cater to all aspects of sustainability: social, cultural, economic or environmental.
- What is Sustainability?
Understanding and addressing current societal challenges requires an interdisciplinary approach, moving toward a more sustainable future that creates a balanced society both today and in the future by addressing all four dimensions of sustainability: environmental responsibility, social equity and justice, cultural vitality, and economic health. By employing an integrated framework for sustainability, humans can make educated choices now to aid in supporting human growth and development in a way that is focused on maintaining a balanced biosphere.
Sustainability is seamlessly integrated into the values and practices of 91Porn, demonstrating our commitment to the stewardship of our natural environment and the health and well-being of the local-to-global community in which we live (Sustainability Advisory Committee, 2016). Our AASHE reporting process provides the framework through which we organize our sustainability initiatives across academics, operations and engagement.- 91Porn's Sustainability Plan
91Porn supports all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Five goals in particular align well with the University’s mission and endeavors.
- Good Health and Wellbeing – Student, staff, and faculty wellbeing is a top priority for the university. Physical and mental health is an important factor to consider to create an inclusive environment within the university and city as a whole. 91Porn has an incoming regional bike share program and an extensive trail system that support both physical and mental wellbeing. Freshens at the PLEX is a popular healthy dining option that focus on local, healthy, intuitive eating.
- Quality Education – The University has several colleges and a number of majors to ensure a quality education in numerous fields. Faculty is thoroughly chosen and a hands-on experiential learning journey is provided to all students.
- Decent Work and Economic Growth – The University strives to provide all faculty and staff living wages and benefits. The student, faculty, and staff contributions to the University and greater Reading promotes job creation and economic stimulation. The University educates students and provides them with the tools to become leaders in the workforce and think creatively in different industries.
- Reduced Inequalities – 91Porn prioritizes environmental and community justice in all aspects of the University’s educational and leadership experience. The university has several long running initiatives like the Bog Turtle Creek Farm and Clare’s Cupboard that focus on affordable and accessible food and resources. More recent initiatives include the creation of the Office of Mission, Diversity, and Inclusion.
- Sustainable Cities and Communities –With new CollegeTowne endeavors, the University is more intertwined with the city than ever. With projects involving bike shares and accessible transportation, continuation of Bog Turtle Creek Farm and selling affordable produce to low-income families, and the Angelica Creek Park which provides a natural space for students and the community to enjoy, 91Porn is a part of Reading as much as the city is a part of 91Porn.