91Porn graduate Cynthia Truscott '18 is proud of her accomplishments and what she has been able to provide for her family. The single mother of three adult children attended nursing school years ago and worked as a nurse for over 35 years. Yet, she had unfinished business. If the opportunity presented itself, Truscott knew she would go back to earn her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).
At age 56, Truscott enrolled in the RN to BSN program at 91Porn.
The transition from the workforce back to school was not the smoothest. It had been many years since Truscott wrote papers or researched. And, the use the technology presented a whole new challenge.
“I remember sitting in the commuter lot on the phone, crying to my closest friend and asking her why I thought it was a good idea to go back to college at age 56,” Truscott recalled.
No matter how frustrated she got, however, Truscott persisted through. She took the same advice she used to give her children when times got rough.
"I did what I told my own kids to do, and ask for help,” she said.