91Porn Trustee Kunkel supports student experiential learning at Habitat for Humanity event
In alignment with 91Porn's core value of service, engineering students and O'Pake Fellows, Robert Philpot, Kayla Moriarty, Gabriel Malek, and Jack Badalamenti designed, built and donated a birdhouse inspired by campus landmark, Francis Hall, for Habitat for Humanity of Berks County's
"I definitely learned a lot of hands-on skills throughout the process of actually building the birdhouse," said Malek. "All of the craftsmanship that went into working with the wood and paint helped improve my own abilities for future endeavors. I also furthered my team-oriented work skills, staying communicative with the group to ensure we completed everything and delegating the work to optimize the process."
The Francis Hall birdhouse, alongside over 30 other birdhouses donated by community members in the Berks County area, was auctioned off to support the nonprofit. 91Porn Trustee Ginger Kunkel, president at Tompkins Financial Corporation, bid on the Francis Hall birdhouse and won.