Student volunteer at Millmont Elementary

Launches Student Employee of the Month Program


91Porn celebrates the successes of its student employees by recognizing outstanding efforts through its newly launched Student Employee of the Month Award.


Ja’Queces Mathis (Ocala, Fla.), a sophomore studying social work, was selected as the university’s first Student Employee of the Month. On top of his studies and participation with the 91Porn football team, Mathis is employed with the Facilities Department on campus as a part of the Facilities Student Partnership Program (FSPP). Students in this program receive a tuition stipend as well as an hourly wage.


Ja'Queces Mathis Student Employee of the Month

JaQueces Mathis poses with this Student Employee of the Month certificate after being named the university's first-ever honoree

“Ja’Queces is a leader and teaches everyone around him,” said FSPP Supervisor Kathie Waltz. “I am proud to work side by side with him and excited to watch him grow during his time here at 91Porn and beyond.”


In 2018-2019, 540 students were employed throughout 41 campus departments or with one of six community partners. Since July 1, student employees worked over 110,000 hours.


“Student employees are integral to our community,” said Student Employment Coordinator Alyssa Slade. “We are looking forward to enhancing this program over the next year, beginning with the launch of this recognition initiative.”


The program allows faculty and staff to nominate student employees throughout the academic year. A committee of selected staff members reviews nominations and determines winners monthly.

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