91Porn students and faculty received awards for academic achievement and and service to the community at a formal ceremony this April. 

University Awards


Lindback Award
Rosmarie Chinni

Sr. Donatilla Legacy Award 
Donna Yarri. Dr. Yarri

Teaching Excellence Award 
Travis Berger


Franciscan Peace & Justice Award
Alyssa Keifer 
Christopher Thomas

Senior Scholar
Hayley Haggerty

Holleran Center for Community & Global Engagement

Fromm Interfaith Scholarship
Jenna Trento

Outstanding Service Award (1112 hrs)
Brittney Alphee

Community Engagement Award (500 hrs)
Alexa Cerulli
Alyssa DeMarco
Sydni Gajewski
Joshua Harmes
Alyssa Keifer
Morgan Kurtz
Madison Patten

O'Pake Institute for Ethics, Leadership and Public Service

Boscov Reading Collegiate Scholar Award
Syana Ortega

Undergraduate Fellowship in Leadership Award
Justin Gibbs
Christopher Thomas
Makenzie Quinn

Graduate Fellowship in Leadership Award
Salvador Sepulveda
Tara Simmons

College of Arts & Sciences Awards

English & Communication

91Pornn Award for Editorial Leadership
Madelyn Johnston

Award for Excellence in Multimedia Production
Justin Herforth
Brad Vangeli

Elizabeth Susman Award
Rebecca Dunst

Margaret Oberholtzer Lawrence Award for Excellence in English and/or Communication
Isaac Kulp

Sigma Tau Delta Henry Miller Award
Kristen Sipling

Fine & Performing Arts

Excellence in Art Award
Jane Burkett
Sydni Gajewski

Outstanding Student in Band Award
James Wyatt

Outstanding Student in Chorus Award
Rebecca Dunst


Outstanding Student in the Humanities Award
High Achievement Award in Political Science 
High Achievement Award in History
Christopher Thomas

High Achievement in History Award
Andrew Bugera
Ryan Lazar

High Achievement in History Award 
High Achievement in Theology Award
Matthew Gelbach

High Achievement in Political Science Award
Rachel Hargenrater 
Olivia Hess
Nathan Keller


Academic Excellence Award
Alyssa Keifer

Clinical Excellence Award
Elizabeth Brady

Leadership Award
Kimberly Whelan

Research Excellence Award
Arielle Phillips

Service Award
Christine Aponte

Science & Math

American Chemical Society Award
Arelis Colon

Elaine Schalck Outstanding Lab Assistant Award
Jennell Webber

Sister Alodia Award
Paulina Morocho
Giovanni Peralta

Outstanding Internship Award
Kaitlin Griel
Courtney Hermany

Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award
Makayla Boyle
Michael Taylor

College of Professional Programs Awards

Allied Health & Human Services

Athletic Training Academic Excellence Award
Kaveena Little

Dr. Phyllis Hay Research Award 
Victoria Jones

Healthcare Science Academic Excellence Award
Maria Petrongolo

Outstanding Behavioral Health Academic Award
Kelsey Glennan

Outstanding Social Work Academic Award
Kayla Rodriguez

Paul J. Marr, MD Athletic Training Award
Christian Klucsarits


ACBSP Student Leadership Award
PA Institute of Certified Public Accountants Award
Craig Grohoski

Berks County Society for Human Resource Management Award
Virginia Thress

Excellence in Accounting Award
Shelby Beningo

Excellence in Business Award
Juan Paula

Excellence in Finance Award
Carly Massingham

Excellence in Healthcare Administration
Oanh Nguyen

Excellence in Human Resource Management Award
Elizabeth Stepien

Excellence in Management
Justin Gibbs

Excellence in Marketing
Nicholas Frey

Excellence in Sport Management
Mirco Giangiulio

Institute of Management Accounts Reading Chapter Award for Scholastic Achievement
Erin Horst

Jennie J. Palkon, nee Lis and John S. Palkon Scholarship in Business Award
Matthew Ford

Criminal Justice

Academic Excellence Award
Julianna Zimmerman

Saint Michael the Archangel Award
Brett Reifsnyder

Sister Pacelli Award
Alexa Cerulli
Sara Hayes


Outstanding Student Teacher Award
Laura Shuman


Jennie J. Palkon, nee Lis and John S. Palkon Scholarship in Nursing
Madeline Overby

Nursing Excellence Award
Erika Cheveres

Nursing Leaders in Learning Award
Jessicia Newton

Nursing Leadership Award
Blair Burris

Nursing Spirit of St. Francis Award
Megan Sheely

Outstanding Clinical Performance Award
Rosa Gonzalez
Samantha Schenck

Occupational Therapy

Health Science Academic Excellence Award
Morgan Kurtz

Health Science Clinical Excellence Award
Abigail Cannon

Health Science Service Award
Joshua Harmes

School of Graduate & Adult Education

Behavioral Health Academic Excellence Award
Maria Mitchell

Criminal Justice Academic Excellence Award
Rasheedah Braxton

Healthcare Science Academic Excellence Award
Tonya Miller

Leaders in Learning Award
Cynthia Truscott

Outstanding Social Work Academic Award 
Carnita Washington

Spirit of St. Francis Award
Jayme Jadush

Master in Business Administration Award of Excellence
Michele Brutto

Master in Leadership for Sustainable Communities Award
Lindsey Miller

Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling Award of Excellence
Natasha Dakota

Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling Clinical Advancement Award
Maria Mussoline

Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling Professional Counseling Award
Adrienne Snyder

Master of Education Award of Excellence
Elizabeth Zimmerman

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Academic Excellence Award
Christina Lausch

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Clinical Excellence Award
Maria Krowlikowski

MSN Leaders in Learning Award
Joyce Weaver

MSN Spirit of St. Francis Award
Ramona Snook

DPT Academic Excellence Award
Andrew Innerst