Kathi Weaver, MSN, RN
Clinical Nursing Adjunct Instructor
John and Karen Arnold School of Nursing
kathi.weaver@alvernia.edu- Adjunct

Katie Rittenbaugh, MSN, RN
Clinical Nursing Adjunct Instructor
John and Karen Arnold School of Nursing
ritt051047@alvernia.edu- Adjunct

Colleen Rhoads, MSN, RN
Professional Specialist of Nursing
John and Karen Arnold School of Nursing
colleen.rhoads@alvernia.edu- Faculty

Janet Pagotto, MSN, RN
Clinical Professor
John and Karen Arnold School of Nursing
janet.pagotto@alvernia.edu- Faculty

Vanessa Felty, MSN, RN
Adjunct Clinical Nursing Instructor
John and Karen Arnold School of Nursing
vanessa.felty@alvernia.edu- Adjunct

Sharon Banak
Adjunct Clinical Nursing Instructor
John and Karen Arnold School of Nursing
sharon.banak@alvernia.edu- Adjunct

Joy Flicker, MSN, RN
Nursing Lab and Healthcare Simulation Education Director
John and Karen Arnold School of Nursing
joy.flicker@alvernia.edu (610) 790-1972- Faculty

Angel Beckford
Nursing Lab Educator
John and Karen Arnold School of Nursing
Angel.Beckford@alvernia.edu (610) 796-8385- Staff

Jeannine Tait-Donlan, MSN, RN
Professional Specialist of Nursing
John and Karen Arnold School of Nursing
Jeannine.tait-donlan@alvernia.edu 610-796-8437- Faculty

Karen Sponagle, MSN, RN, CCE
Professional Specialist, Nursing
John and Karen Arnold School of Nursing
karen.sponagle@alvernia.edu 610-796-5605- Faculty