(DMD) is an international honor society that recognizes academic excellence in baccalaureate, master's and doctorate degree business administration programs at the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs accredited schools.

Delta Mu Delta was founded by the Dean from Harvard University and four professors from Yale University and New York University in November 1913 and their vision has guided DMD for over 100 years.

  • The Society Key: The badge of the society is a key in the shape of the Greek letter delta. The Greek initials of the Society appear on its front, and above them is a full-rigged ship with sails set and colors flying, symbolizing the activities of business as a bond which unites all people. Only society members may wear this trademarked key.
  • The Society Motto: DMD stands for the Greek phrase Dia Matheseos Dynamis, or Through Knowledge, Power. Our goal is to support people who can manage creatively for social and economic good using the power created by what they have learned.
  • Professional Affiliations: As a member of the Association of College Honor Societies, DMD supports high standards for recognizing achievement as signified by honor society membership.



Jeremy Kettering, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Economics
College of Business Communication, and Leadership
Header School of Business
John R. Post Center @ CollegeTowne #146
401 Penn Street, Reading, PA 19601